Saturday, December 17, 2005

14) Basic Find

that season, in a touch of snow on intimate morning or left at that. that singular sopping by the ice dictation, looser and romanza, a terror of just leaving behind. not just the simplicity of dying out, crossing off, slip on ice, but effort of only last language left. each animal in the age becomes another spoiling bending limping off. draping happenstance sticks to the implication of ice. a tool losing ground, a spacious part of stepping aside, and years are given back to years.

15) Boisterous in Instantly

a staunch republic existed, just to see us thru. thru out the wet of cold, the cold of dark, the dark of fear or finding, we peddled like simple monstrances. there are no simple monstrances, yet on we went. we hit the skids, said lengthy goodbyes, settled softness for the sound of snow. did this vanquish the guardians, let out the toll of word? who can see such answers, on the planet of plain and simple. no book was writen, let alone read, but that turrets are obstructed and raided to fall down. falling doesn't hurt but half imagined gestures seem to try. we almost fall and that relates our work to other places with particular years and a bond that doesn't actually die too far. express love, then, in all that work. a year can pass, slaking like a dream. this effort becomes a fund for choosing, like we can name the next immensity in time for the place of poem.


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